


You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN SHRINK WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Chinese subtitle.

Title: Remote

STARRING: Kyoko Fukuda, Koichi Dohmoto

BRIEF SUMMARY:  Locked away deep in his home and hiding a secret that keeps him there, Detective Kozaburo Himuro (Koichi Dohmoto) remains ever vigilant in his duties of police work. But how does the wunderkind detective investigate crime scenes without ever stepping out of his home? Enter traffic cop Kurumi Ayaki (Kyoko Fukuda). She's a young lady who's about to marry and resign from the force when tasked with being Himuro's eyes and ears on the beat. While on the scene of the crime their only means of communication is via mobile phone. Together they investigate a series of mind-boggling murder mysteries that put them, particularly Kurumi, in constant danger. Can Kurumi keep up with Detective Himuro, and the fast-paced and dangerous work of criminal investigation? Switch your remote to our "Remote Control."


劇   名﹕遙控刑警

劇   情﹕在地下道發生了一件非常離奇的殺人案,兇手居然穿著小丑服離奇的逃脫了。更令人訝異的是,這個案件居然由從沒到過現場的冰室警官(堂本光一 飾)接手偵辦....。凶案現場留下的死者手中的磁片,是兇手作為第二次殺人的預告謎題。冰室警官的助手因為受不了冰室而相繼的辭職,而使得警界蒙受了好幾位精英的損失,而警視廳也為著冰室的助手問題在煩惱著。生性浪漫一直想結婚的女警彩木久留美(深田恭子 飾)在挑選婚禮場地的飯店裡也目擊了一宗離奇的殺人事件。隔天,頭腦簡單四肢發達的她卻被上司叫去,要調派她到冰室的A級調查部門,大家都為她的升職而感到高興....。而彩木受得了即將共事的冰室嗎...?冰室偵辦的案件又跟彩木所目擊的殺人案件有什麼關聯呢......?冰室是否能解開預告殺人的謎題呢....

演 員: 深田恭子 堂本光一 玉木宏 名滄潤




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