
Run Away

Run Away

You are looking at a set of THE LATEST, BRAND NEW,  ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Chinese subtitle.

Title: Toubousha (Runaway)

STARRING: Yosuke Eguchi, Hiroshi Abe, Miki Mizuno, Kouji Kato, Nagisa Katahira 

BRIEF SUMMARY: Tetsuo Nagai is a probation officer. His job is to rehabilitate young offenders and get them on the straight and narrow. Married with one son, he lives a happy life. All that changes one day when his wife is murdered and his son is gravely injured in an attack. Nagai wrestles with the assailant, but he escapes. Nagai takes his son to the hospital run by his father-in-law, but his son is again attacked and left in a coma. Nagai is interrogated by police detectives and finds himself the chief suspect due to the emergence of a number of pieces of unfavorable evidence. Is someone setting him up? At the verge of giving up, he is struck by another option - he becomes a fugitive, striving to prove his innocence and find the real killer while his son hovers at deaths' door.


劇 名﹕逃亡者

劇 情﹕永井徹生〈江口洋介飾演)是位保護觀察官。守護著青少年罪犯,將他們引向重返社會的大道就是他的工作。他總是灌注了自己渾身的熱情在對待少年們。他的妻子淳子〈戶田菜穗飾演)不僅是徹生的青梅竹馬,也是最了解他的人。淳子的父親是來栖綜合醫院的院長來栖慶介〈原田芳雄飾演)。淳子則以醫生的身分在這間醫院中工作著,他們跟可愛的獨生子陸〈鈴木宗太郎)家族三人一起過著幸福美滿的日子。但是,某一天這樣的生活突然發生了劇變。有某人趁徹生不在時侵入了他的家,並殺害了淳子。犯人還想要殺害目擊這一切的陸。正在千鈞一髮之際徹生剛好回家了。雖然徹生跟犯人發生了激烈的搏鬥,最後還是讓犯人逃走了。縣警的刑警尾崎薰〈水野美紀飾演)與警視廳的刑警峰島隆司〈阿部寬飾演),則開始偵訊無法承受這突如其來的噩耗因而陷入一片茫然的徹生。當偵訊在進行時,徹生發現警方將他當作了嫌疑犯。雖然他矢口否認,不過眼前淨是對他不利的證據,使得案情對他越來越不利。徹生對橫死的愛妻與游走在鬼門關前的兒子的思念,以及對犯人一湧而上的憎惡感。在他即將陷入心神發狂的絕望深淵前,突然有個逃亡的機會出現了…。

演員: 江口洋介,阿部寬,水野美紀,加藤浩次




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