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Presents - Aikagi + Uni Senbei Twin Pack DVD

Presents - Aikagi + Uni Senbei Twin Pack DVD

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama/Movie Box Set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese Selectable Subtitle.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Superior Picture Quality compare to VCD or VHS.

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

*1 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Widescreen
  • Chapters Selection
  • Behind The Scenes
  • Interview With Casts
  • Movie Premier
  • Trailers
  • TV Promos

Title:  Presents - Aikagi + Uni Senbei Twin Pack  DVD

STARRING: Tetsuji Tamaya, Ryoko Hirosue, Toda Erika, Hiraoka Yuta

BRIEF SUMMARY:  This is  film is  based on Kakuta Mitsuyo's short story collection revolving around the theme of presents.

Yukari and Hiroaki have been together for eight years. Though they are both constantly busy with work and do not see each other often, Yukari believes that they will always be together. Just before Christmas, the couple finally has a chance to meet up, but Hiroaki tells her that he has found someone else and breaks up with her. The next day, a heartbroken Yukari cuts short her hair. When she sees Hiroaki's spare key, all the past memories come rushing back. Yukari decides to give him one last present.

Uni Senbei
An employee at a stationery manufacturer, Hazuki is less than enamored with this whole working thing. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Satoshi is still in college, a fifth-year student who just can't seem to graduate. With the two living in different worlds, Hazuki breaks things off and begins to see the older and more mature Yasuda . They spend Valentine's Day together, exchanging the standard gifts of chocolate and jewelry. That night when Hazuki returns home, she opens her mailbox and inside lies a present from Satoshi...



劇 名﹕ 女人一生的12個禮物﹕情人鑰匙+ 海膽煎餅 DVD

劇 情﹕   改編與日本本當紅的中堅作家,她以善於挖掘女性生活瑣事,娓娓道來女性千折百迴的心情而著稱。死了,能留下什麼?或許只剩下別人贈送的禮物吧。生命中,我們送給別人的任何東西,大概什麼時候就會不見吧。然而,別人送我們的東西,即使早已不見蹤影,卻感覺它還殘留在這世界上,受贈瞬間的含羞、贈送者當下的笑容,像殘火般幽然跳動在我們心底,送禮本身,就是對於受贈者的一種祝福。透過一篇篇女人的生命故事,角田光代把祝福的內部肌理,以及纖細、強而有力的過程,溫暖熱切地傳送給每一位讀者。許許多多人生中有形和無形的禮物,讓我們了解到,即使今天失去了一切的東西,但是那曾經擁有的美好,會一直伴隨著你,直到生命畫下終點的那一刻。交到手中的分明只是一個東西而已,卻讓人感受到一種澎湃的心情,像是掌握了一把秘密錀匙,可以開啟迎向世界的大門,平凡的物件所蘊含的喜悅,深深地敲打我們的心扉。幸福本身未必是一種理想的狀態。即使是零亂的風景,也有它的存在意義。因為知道它如此珍貴且無可取代,即使將來各自離散,我們一定會想起,幸福不必他求,它老早已在這裡了。

   每天忙忙碌碌﹐隔了好久才和博明見面,不能隱藏高興心情的由加裏等候的是突然的離別。“我有……喜歡的人。我們平時朝向自己的方向,走出那樣想的時候,到必定不同的方向邁出一步。”流淚著心情低落的由香裏,隔天向公司請假,下定決心將頭髮剪掉。對於在店內掉落的《復制的鑰匙》,而回憶起與博明度過的溫暖的聖誕節。由加裏發現這是來自他的最後的禮物。那個—。聖誕節緊接之前到8 年間的戀愛終止的情侶,很暖且很難過的愛情


演 員: 廣末涼子, 玉山鐵二, 有村實樹﹐戶田惠梨香, 平岡祐太




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