
Papadol! My Father Is An Idol

Papadol! My Father Is An Idol

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW,  ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama 2 DISC box set. Japanese Languages with Removable Traditional Chinese Subtitle.

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Papadol! (My Father Is An Idol)  


STARRING:  Nishikido Ryo, Yuka, Kawashima Umika, Imai Yuki, Tani Kanon, Enari Kazuki, Sato Jiro

BRIEF SUMMARY: This drama takes a whole new approach by making stars act under their real name and collaborating with other TBS television shows. Nishikido Ryo acts as a popular idol and member of Kanjani8 (or as himself) who secretly marries a woman with three children. This comedic drama portrays the reality of show business and the importance of a family bond. Ryo has come to his girlfriend Haruka's house to ask her mother and children for her hand. Her eldest daughter refuses flat out saying that she doen't want an idol as her father. To make things worse, Kanjani8's manager finds out about the marriage and tells him to either get divorced within three months or end his career in show business. --TBS






劇 名﹕偶像爸爸


劇 情﹕在東京的某住宅區,一個面帶緊張的男人正要拜訪花村家,這個男人是超級偶像關八的錦戶亮。 他是為了讓家人允許他和遙(優香)的婚事而前來拜訪的。遙的母親奈津(高畑淳子)對“偶像的收入是多少”表現出了興趣,遙的長女芽衣(川島海荷)對於“爸爸是偶像”非常反對,長男悠鬥(今井悠貴)對這件事毫無興趣,至於二女佳奈則是說“嵐的櫻井翔就好了”。就連花村家的叫做英鬥的狗也…… 對於前途未卜的兩個人的婚事,錦戶堅持不懈地為了從遙的家人還有關八的成員們那裡獲得認可而付諸行動。 錦戶本想先告訴關八的成員們關於和遙的婚事,但是在那之前卻被主**經紀人朝比奈元子(財前直見),組合的經紀人間宮義春(八島智人),還有現場經紀人的脅坂正平(江成一樹)事先知道了。 朝比奈斷言說出道八週年,對於關八來說是非常重要的時期,卻居然和比自己年長又已經離過一次婚而且有三個孩子的遙結婚真是豈有此理,並且對錦戶發出最後通牒說: “在三個月之內給我決定是要離婚還是退出娛樂圈。”



演 員:  錦戶亮  優香  川島海荷   今井悠貴  谷花音








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