
Kowai Doyo Ura No Sho DVD

Kowai Doyo Ura No Sho DVD

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama/Movie Box Set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese Selectable Subtitle.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Superior Picture Quality compare to VCD or VHS.

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

*1 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Widescreen
  • Scenes Selection

Title:  Kowai Doyo Ura No Sho  DVD

STARRING: Yasu Meigumi, Matsuo Toshinobu, Tsuda Kanji, Ishizawa Chinami

BRIEF SUMMARY: Gruesome incident happens one after another at the St. Orchid Girls high school throughout the years, people who lives around the school says that they could hear children singing in the middle of the night. The rumor sparks interests from a local television station in which the producer decides to send its crew to investigate the truth behind the story. The production crews went into the school with camera and audio equipments hoping to catch or record whatever is in there.  When the production crew started to examine the audio tape they recorded from the scenes, they could hear little children singing and people talking in the background that was not heard at the time..........

劇 名﹕ 恐怖童謠 裏之章 DVD

劇 情﹕   聖蘭女學院已幾近廢校,卻傳出附近居民會在深夜聽見從校舍傳出的童謠的怪談。這種都市怪談引起了電視台的興趣,遂出動外景隊前去採訪。而在外景隊的成員中,除了製作人、主持人和攝影師、收音師等人之外,還包括了一位專業的聲音分析師──宇田響子. 5年前,在這裡發生了數件離奇的失蹤事件與命案……」主持人拿著麥克風,在鏡頭前細數從頭,然而,說著說著,居然唱起了童謠,而且一唱就停不下來。工作人員發現異狀,連忙停止拍攝,並趕緊想方設法讓主持人冷靜下來。

演 員: 多部未華子﹐ 鬆尾敏伸, 津田寬治




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