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Hard To Say I Love You DVD English Subtitle

Hard To Say I Love You DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional Chinese/Malay/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Traditional Chinese/Malay/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Sunao Ni Narenakute (Hard To Say I Love You)  DVD

STARRING: Eita Ueno Juri  Jaejung  Seki Megumi  Tamayama Tetsuji  Igawa  Haruka

BRIEF SUMMARY: Mizuno Tsukiko, a high school teacher who goes by the name ‘Haru’, has an offline meeting at Shibuya with friends that she has met through Twitter. ‘Haru’ has never seen them before but there is a guy that she is interested among them, and so she asks her good friend, Nishimura Hikari, to come along. They go to the appointed cafe where ‘Linda’ and ‘Doctor’ are already waiting. However, ‘Haru’ sees a guy who has come late, and raises her head. It is ‘Nakaji’, the guy she has an interest in, who is also the ‘horrid guy’ that she had just argued with on the street …


劇 名﹕ 無法坦誠相對 DVD

劇 情﹕ 無法坦誠相對是由“純愛教母”編劇北川悅吏子睽違4年的新作,瑛太飾演菜鳥攝影記者、上野樹裡飾演高中的約聘教師、關惠美飾演樹裡的好友、在中飾演醫療器材推銷員,玉山鐵二則是5人之中的領導人,5位年輕男女透過時下流行的微網志-Twitter,互吐秘密與痛苦再互相鼓勵扶持發展出一出青春愛情劇,   圍繞通過Twitter認識的5名男女展開的青春群像劇。瑛太、上野樹裡、東方神起的金在中、關Megumi和玉山鐵二將飾演這5名各自有著不同煩惱的青年。上野樹裡扮演的水野月子網名Haru,是私立高中的非常勤教師,個性衝動的她沒有談過一次戀愛,在網絡上認識瑛太出演的中島圭介(網名Nakaji)後不久暗戀上對方。Nakaji因崇拜曾為戰地記者的父親而走上攝影師之路,不料父親性情大變經常伸手向其要錢,父子爭吵不斷。值得一提的是,瑛太首次挑戰性格輕浮的花花公子角色,在劇中他將與前女友——已經結婚的山本桐子(井川遙飾)大玩不倫戀 《

無法坦誠相對中,瑛太扮演一名崇拜父親的攝影記者,他希望有朝一日能夠像父親一樣當一名戰地攝影師,但同時又對從戰場上負傷歸來後性情大變的父親無法理解,內心充滿矛盾。上野樹裡所扮演的角色正在與Twitter上認識的一名老師交往,她因為自己還沒有成為老師的現狀而感到焦躁。此外,公布的角色還有關惠美扮演的Peach,她是上野樹裡的朋友,與上司大談辦公室戀情。另外一個女性角色(暫時未公布演員)是一名博士,纏上了在出版社工作卻患有ED(勃起功能障礙)的玉山鐵二。 目前,被譽為日本“草食系偶像”的瑛太在日本人氣大漲,而上野樹裡憑藉《Last Friends》、《交響情人夢》等日劇也一躍成為日本最具實力的年輕演員,加上該劇編劇北川悅吏子的《愛情白皮書》、《跟我說愛我》、《悠長假期》、《美麗人生》等在日本都創下不俗的收視率,這部春季檔日劇的陣容堪稱豪華

演 員:  瑛太  上野樹裡  關惠美 玉山鐵二





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