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Kyuukei No Kouya DVD English Subtitle

Kyuukei No Kouya DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 1 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Kyuukei No Kouya  DVD

STARRING: Tamura Masakazu, Eguchi Yosuke, Ikuta Toma, Higa Manami, Kohinata Fumiyo

BRIEF SUMMARY: In 1945, Nogami Kenichitaro (Tamura Masakazu), a first secretary, is at a neutral country’s foreign mission which had announced his death from tuberculosis in a Swiss hospital just before the end of the war. In fact, Nogami is playing an active role behind the scenes in order to save Japan from destruction. He has abandoned his beloved wife and his nationality to live a solitary life in hiding … Then, a section of the visitors’ book from a Nara temple, which had been burglarised, is discovered near the body of a man who was strangled to death. Suzuki Jiro (Eguchi Yosuke), a former soldier and now an assistant inspector with the Metropolitan Police, and detective Soeda Shoichi (Ikuta Toma) of Setagaya precinct investigate the names that had been written in the visitors’ book, and grow suspicious about one name which bears the same handwriting as Nogami Kumiko’s (Higa Manami) father, Nogami Kenichitaro …


劇 名﹕球形的荒野 DVD


劇 情﹕球形荒野》改編自日本著名小說家松本清張的同名長篇作品,田村正和在劇中扮演戰後為了拯救破滅的日本,捨棄了妻子和國籍,隱藏自己身份而活的外交官,田村正和回顧在本劇中的角色表示:“整個世界都孤獨寂寞身心寒冷孤寂。”

1964年),在亞洲首次奧運會——東京奧運即將開幕、全日本一片歡騰之際,警方在一具被勒死的男屍附近,發現了一片被撕下的奈良某寺院人名本的一部分。 警視廳本部的刑警補鈴木(江口洋介 飾)和世田穀警署的刑警添田(生田鬥真 飾)揣測著人名本上的名字,發現有與野上久美子(比嘉愛未 飾)之父野上顯一郎(田村正和 飾)一樣的字跡,並對此感到不解。

但是,野上早在昭和19年(1944年)作為外交官赴任歐洲後,病死他鄉。隨著調查的一步步進行,警方四處打探,最終根據一位元品川的旅館老闆(小日向文世 飾)的證詞,受害人是居住于奈良的伊東忠介(相島一之 飾),為了和某個人見面來到了東京。另外,警方也瞭解到,伊東和野上同為當時駐中立國瑞典(注:分戰時和局外中立國 交戰中任何一國或一方都奉行中立政策的國家)公使館的陸軍軍官。久美子的親戚節子(木村多江 飾)和其丈夫亮一(萩原聖人 飾),以及野上之妻、久美子之母孝子(風吹ジュン 飾)對於為了調查屢次前來拜訪的員警甚是頭疼。

但是,同樣曾在公使館工作過的村尾(佐野史郎 飾)和曾做過特派員的瀧(草刈正雄 飾)卻不知為何都不願提及野上的死。對於窮追不捨的鈴木他們,村尾最終留下“你們要是那麼想知道的話,自己去問溫斯頓?邱吉爾啊”這句話之後揚長而去。瀧和村尾在歌舞伎觀眾席上遇到過久美子一次,並拜託她當素描模特兒。但那名畫師後來卻不明不白地死去。不久,久美子開始疑惑道,“原本死去的父親”難道還活著?但之後她被某個人單獨叫到了南禪寺。那晚,久美子住的那家賓館發生了槍擊案。中彈倒下的是村尾。瀧也出現在了那裏。警方也懷疑這一連串案件和野上顯一郎有關,於是開始正式調查。此外,由於鈴木警部補的一句發言,調查本部陷入了令人僵硬的恐懼中。——“這是讓我們通緝幽靈嗎?”佐佐木本部長(永島敏行 飾)們對此驚愕不已.  但是,鈴木和添田卻狠狠地點了頭


演 員: 田村正和、江口洋介、生田斗真、比嘉愛未、小日向文世、萩原聖人、草刈正雄、木村多江





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