
Masshiro DVD English Subtitle

Masshiro DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

* Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen
  • EAN9555499407270

Title: Masshiro  DVD


STARRING: Horikita Maki, Yagira Yuya, Shida Mirai, Takanashi Rin, Nanao, Megumi, Takeuchi Miyako, Nishio Mari, Nobukawa Seijun, Watanabe Mai, Shumoto Erika, Ito Mamiko


BRIEF SUMMARY:  25-year-old Arimura Akari (Horikita Maki) graduated from the local nursing school in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture and works for the hospital’s geriatric ward. When she became a nurse, she wanted to be of help to others and appreciated by those people she helped. But in the course of slaving away for a meagre salary over the past four years, Akari would rather quit and get married quickly. Then she gets the chance for a fresh start with a makeover as a well-off young lady. She slips into the very exclusive Touoh Hospital which draws a stream of politicians, entertainers and intellectuals despite the expensive medical care. However, it is a hospital with novice doctors, adulterous nurses and spoiled patients. Among them is the head nurse, who is called the overall director of the “White Inner Palace”. She is tough on Akari and many difficulties are in store for Akari every day. Moreover, the policy to keep things that happen in the hospital under wraps is certainly like the inner palace.-Jdramaweblog




劇 名: 純白 DVD


介紹: 寫了堀北真希飾演的護士偽裝成名媛,進入「東王」名流醫院工作,為了釣得政界、演藝圈、文化人士等名流病人這樣的金龜婿,改變自己生活軌跡的故事。劇中涉及到複雜獵奇的人際關係,展現了名流社會和希望踏入該階層的普通女性的種種慾望。這些穿著白衣的護士們形成了「白色大奧」,展開一場沒有硝煙的上位大戰。故事舞台是在一家超高級醫院,護士有村朱里(堀北真希)原本為了助人而在老人病房服務,由於工作內容繁重和收入不成正比的現實動起了想結婚的念頭.於是朱里下定決心轉往以服務政治、經濟和藝能界...金字塔頂層病患的超高級醫療中心尋找結婚對象,但事與願違,護理站裡怪咖一堆,派系鬥爭猶如「白色大奧」一直在上演。


演員: 堀北真希  柳樂優彌   志田未來   高梨臨







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