
Sexy Voice & Robo

Sexy Voice & Robo

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW,  ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama 2 DISC box set.

Japanese Languages with Removable Traditional Chinese Subtitle.

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen
  • Trailers
  • Brief Interview With Casts

Title: Sexy Voice & Robo

STARRING: Matsuyama Kenichi, Ohgo Suzuka, Murawaka Eri,

BRIEF SUMMARY: A girl that has an ability to alter her voice to manipulate men and a geek with an obsession with toy robots team up in solving various cases

劇 名﹕Sexy Voice & Robo

劇 情﹕這是一部描寫好色機器人御宅族-ROBO(松山健一)與擁有七種不同聲音的14歲少女林二湖(大後壽壽花)兩人以間碟身份在多起案件中大展身手的感人詼諧冒險佳作.某日.二湖來到便利商店打發時間.確無意間捲入一起連續殺人事件.親眼目賭此狀的二湖迫不及待地想與他人分享.於是決定打電話到電話交友中心.接起電話的人是一名酷愛機器人的御宅族ROBO.由於兩人交談甚歡.於是相約去案發現場一探究竟...


演 員: 大後壽壽花, 松山健一




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