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Yaku Sanju No Uso DVD English Subtitle

Yaku Sanju No Uso DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English/Malay Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Superior Picture Quality compare to VCD or VHS.

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English/Malay Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 1 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Yaku Sanju No Uso (Thirty Lies Or So) English Subtitle DVD

STARRING: Nakatani Miki, Tanabe Seiichi ,Tsumabuki Satoshi

BRIEF SUMMARY:   Kentaro Otani's Yaku Sanju no Uso (English title: Thirty Lies or So) is a wry romantic comedy/caper flick with a simple, but intriguing setup. After pulling off a huge score, a ragtag crew of five thieves led by the acid-tongued Saisuke (Kippei Shiina, from Calmi Cuori Appassionati, Quill and Spy Sorge) hop aboard a midnight express train to make their daring getaway. But just when they think they're in the clear, the band of conmen soon find out that a woman named Takarada (Miki Nakatani, from The Ring, Spiral, and Rikidozan) is also a passenger on the train. And get this: she just so happens to be the girl who betrayed the swindlers three years earlier, a fact sure to arouse a lot of suspicion when the money from their latest job suddenly disappears!

Rounding out the cast of this comic thriller are Satoshi Tsumabuki (Water Boys, Dragon Head), Seiichi Tanabe (Hush!, Ring 0: Birthday) and Anri Ban (Go) in crucial supporting roles. Much like the current Ocean's 11 films, Yaku Sanju no Uso plays up the romantic aspects, while still delivering the twists and turns viewers hope to see from a caper flick. Adapted from Hideo Tsuchiya's successful stage play, Yaku Sanju no Uso has the same sophisticated bite as director Kentaro Otani's previous work, 1999's Avec Mon Mari and 2002's Travail, two films in which bitter rivals get up close and personal with each other with great cinematic results. Fans of heist flicks should check out Yaku Sanju no Uso and watch as double crosses and plot twists ensue in this claustrophobic, talky piece that plays out inside the confines of a single train car! And just wait until you see the guy in the panda suit!


劇 名﹕三十個謊言 DVD

劇 情﹕「說了一個謊言之後,便要再用三十個謊言來掩飾。」人為什麼要說謊?以說謊為生的六人詐騙集團,三年前因為某些理由解散。三年後的今天,又因為有新的行動而再集合在一起。在大阪車站,前往北海道札幌的月台上,六位成員陸續出現。新隊長久津內、吃喉糖上癮的前隊長志方、冷酷美女寶田、嗜酒的佐佐木、輕浮的橫山、還有年輕少女今井。他們在札幌的詐騙活動非常成功,以劣質的假冒品賺了七千萬日元。於是六人帶著裝滿鈔票的行李箱,踏上返回大阪的列車。雖說這六個人都是同一集團的人,可是卻互不信任對方,他們都害怕當中有人會私吞巨款。最後六人想出一個妥善方法,就是由其中一人保管行李箱,另外五人各持一條鎖匙,而當中只有一條鎖匙是真的,換言之,除非是六人集合,否則誰也無法打開行李箱,保管的問題解決之後他們便去入睡。隔天早上,行李箱裡的鈔票還是不翼而飛。他們開始互相猜疑、試探,六人之間的關係已經瀕臨崩潰….

《約三十個謊言》改編自同名舞台劇,為令電影能保留原作的神髓,更特別找來原作者土田英生擔任編劇一職。由於故事的舞台主要是設在火車的車廂 ,狹小的環境不但令電影更富有舞台劇色彩,也為劇中的演員提供了一個大鬥演技的好地方。電影中的各具不同性格的六位主角由現今日本演藝圈的實力派演員飾演,分別是《導盲犬小Q》椎名桔平、《The Hotel Venus》中谷美紀、《解夏》田邊誠一、《HERO》八[山鳥]智人,還有新生代男星《Orange Days》妻夫木聰,以及超級新人杏伴里。不論是人物的心理轉變,或騙子之間的爾虞我詐、唇槍舌劍,六位演員都表現得十分出色。

演 員: 中谷美紀 ,田邊誠一 ,妻夫木聰




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