
Tokusou DVD English Subtitle

Tokusou DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

* Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 2 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Tokusou  DVD


STARRING: Yoshioka Hidetada, Matobu Sei, Yoshizawa Hisashi, Fukami Motoki, Hasegawa Tomoharu, Sano Shiro, Yajima Kenichi, Denden, Saiki Shigeru, Matsushige Yutaka, Miura Tomokazu

BRIEF SUMMARY:  Special prosecutors are called the most powerful investigating authority. Oda Toshiya (Yoshioka Hidetada) has transferred over from the Chiba Public Prosecutors Office and is quickly assigned to the team led by Onizuka Tsuyoshi (Miura Tomokazu), the deputy of the Special Investigation Department. Onizuka’s elite unit has set to work on a bribery case involving Dainippon Construction, a major construction company which was responsible for the construction of a dam, and a prefectural governor. Oda has misgivings about Onizuka’s investigation and embarks on his own search. He finally arrives at a subcontractor but …jdramaweblog




劇 名: 司法記者 DVD


介紹: 隸屬檢察院的搜查機關特別搜查部,在司法界擁有至高無上的權力和威信,他們可以對任何涉嫌經濟犯罪的政治家及相關企業展開搜查,儼然是常人無法輕易染指的司法聖地。這一天,千葉縣地方檢察官志田俊哉(吉岡秀隆飾)作為支援人員調任東京地檢特蒐部,並被分配到特殊直告班副部長鬼塚剛(三浦友和飾)的麾下。在此之前,特蒐部針與政治家有行賄嫌疑的大日本建設進行了徹底搜查。鬼塚作風強悍,令行禁止,其屬下樂得按照他的指示執行任務。但是織田因為曾經的往事,不願意在證據尚不明朗的情況下隨意傳喚相關證人。他不顧事務官高橋(深水元基飾)的規勸,執意按照自己的方式調查大日本建設和縣知事交易的內幕。風暴愈演愈烈,鬼塚和織田以不同的方式朝向黑幕的中心奔襲……


演員: 吉岡秀隆、三浦友和、真飛聖、吉沢悠  深水元基




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